Wednesday, November 16, 2011

countdown to thanksgiving: I guess I have to catch up

countdown to thanksgiving: I guess I have to catch up
1) I'm thankful for my husband. He is my best friend and I hope I never have to live a single day without him
2) I'm thankful for my mother. She is AMAZING and I miss her terribly
3) I'm thankful for my two amazing step children who are busy teaching me how to be a kid again.
4) I'm thankful for all my family here in Ohio. With out you guys, the Holidays would seem a whole heck of allot lonelier.
5) I'm thankful for my extended family (my in-laws). I couldn't have asked for a better 2nd family.
6) I'm thankful for my job. If I have to work to earn money, I'm thankful to be able to do it in a place that is filled with people that I enjoy being around.
7) I'm thankful for my friends back in California. I have some of the best friends that a girl could ever ask for and whether or not I see them enough, they are still my rock.
8) I'm thankful for everyone new that I have met in Ohio. Thank you for making me feel welcome.
9) I'm thankful for my new house and for all of the new skills that it is teaching me.
10) I am thankful for my dogs.... No matter how irritating they may be at times.
11) I'm thankful for my brother. Because no matter what, he's still my brother.
12) I'm thankful for Larry for taking such good care of my mother
13) I'm thankful for the foster kids that will soon be in our home
14) I'm thankful that everyone I love, that is still alive, is healthy and doing well
15) I'm thankful for my life as a whole...... I have a pretty good one

To be continued

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